Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hello:). Im in Hollywood!! Home of the stars! Hollywood is amazing, i have seen many celebrities just sneeking around, some out and about. It's the coolest thing. Well on this post card i am going to tell you about enviormental im pact issues here in Hollywood.
Hollywood is one of the biggest contributors to environmental wretchedness.From the LA Times:
The report found that the film and television industry emits a whopping 140,000 tons a year of ozone and diesel particulate pollutant emissions from trucks, generators, special effects earthquakes and fires, demolition of sets with dynamite and other sources.
So many people in Hollywood, also in other cities too, tend to not save engergy. People take earth fro granted. They don't recycle, or for example, unplug their phone chargers when they are done charging thier cell phones. People all over the place do this. They also leave the water running when not necessary. It's sad to see because we have so many people out there who are killing theirselves trying to save the planet and you've got people who don't care at all about the planet, tearing it apart day-by-day. Anyway, what do you think about this? Hope to talk to you soon!
